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As a summary, the following steps need to be done to use the new functionality in a project that uses version 6b of the JPEGLib:
  • Define the macro USE_FASTER_2x2_IDCT in jconfig.h.
  • Optionally define the macro USE_INACCURATE_IDCT in jconfig.h.
  • Download the modified source files from
  • Replace the two files jddctmgr.c and jidctred.c of version 6b of the JPEGLib with the versions you just downloaded.
  • Rebuild the library.
The solution was verified with the Microsoft Visual C/C++ compiler version 6.0 for Win32 and the Watcom version 10.6 compiler for MS-DOS as the target. The author would appreciate any feedback or comments from people who are using this code.
Last Updated on Sunday, 28 April 2002 16:19